2010 Call Log Details

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June 6, 2010: Activated for a tree down, 1636 Executive Drive-Glasgow.  Engine 63-2 responded with 2 (63-Rescue Chief) along with 63-Chief direct.  63-Chief on scene found a medium sized tree hanging over the roadway, restricting traffic.  Crew removed tree and debris from road.  Scene cleared and units returned to service by 63-Chief.
Submitted by: 63-Chief
June 5, 2010: Activated for a working Barn Fire, 3043 Skyline Drive Glasgow. Clearfield Stations 23, 24, 27 and 28 were also activated. Engine 63-1 responded with two (63-Asst., 63-Rescue Chief), Engine 63-3 responded short (63-Lt.), Ambul 63-1 and 63-Chief and 63-Deputy direct. A crew for Engine 63-2 remained at the station per orders of 63-Chief. 63-Chief advised Cambria 911 he was notified of a control burn in the area prior to this, Cambria advised it was the same location but the fire had spread to a nearby grainery which was now fully engulfed. Upon the Chief arriving on scene all units with the exception of Station 63, Station 28 and one tanker from Station 27 were cancelled per 63-Chief. Responding units were to proceed into the scene at a reduced rate. Firefighters from Station 63 remained on scene for about an hour, scene cleared per 63-Chief.
Submitted by: 63-Deputy
June 5, 2010: Activated for a tree fire with wires down endangering a structure, 232 Market Street Fallentimber. Station 60, Station 62 from Cambria, Station 23, Station 27 and Station 28 from Clearfield were also activated. Engine 63-1 responded short with 63-Chief, 63-Deputy and 63-Asst responding direct. Upon arrival of 63-Chief and 63-Deputy it was found that there were no wires down and no fire due to the wires in question being cable and telephone lines. All units were cancelled and the scene was cleared within minutes per 63-Chief.
Submitted by: 63-Deputy
May 31, 2010: Activated to assist EMS who were activated for an ATV accident, caller was to meet them at Station 63. Fire Department was cancelled per EMS unit's on scene.
Submitted by: 63-Deputy
May 30, 2010: Activated for a special call for Engine 63-1 to assist Clearfield Station 28, working Structure Fire, 1917 Marina Road, White Township. Engine 63-1 responded with three (63-Rescue Chief, 63-Captain). Engine 63-1 was moments from being on scene when all units were cancelled per 60-Chief on scene advising the fire was out.
Submitted by: 63-Deputy
May 29, 2010: Requested to provide Traffic Control at multiple intersections within Reade Township for riders of the Spc. Chad Edmundson Memorial Dice Run. Spc. Edmundson lost his life in Iraq on May 27, 2009.
Submitted by: 63-Deputy
May 28, 2010: Activated for a brush fire in the 2000 block Skyline Drive, Glasgow.  Engine 63-1 responded with 2 (63-Rescue Chief) along with 63-Chief, 63-Deputy and 63-Captain direct.  63-Chief in touch with caller found the they could see flames and smoke that lit the sky.  Upon further investigation it was found that a neighbor had a contolled burn.  All units released by 63-Chief.
Submitted by: 63-Chief
May 28, 2010: Activated for a working structure fire, 942 Dakota Ridge Rd., Beccaria Twp., Clearfield County fire district 28, to assist Station 28.  Report of an abandoned trailer on fire.  63-Chief arrived on scene to find that lightning struck a large tree transferring energy to a small shed, causing it to burn.  There were two exposed structures.  Engine 63-1 responded with 2 (63-Rescue Chief) along with 63-Deputy and 63-Captain-2 direct.  28 Chief and his crew arrived on scene and extinguished the fire while Engine 63-1 crew arrived on scene and assisted with the fire and cutting the tree, allowing the resident to safely move her vehicle.  Station 63 units realeased by 28 Chief.  All units returned to the station.
Submitted by: 63-Chief
May 28, 2010:  Activated for an automatic fire alarm, 987 Skyline Drive, Blandburg.  Blair Station 22 and Clearfield Stations 24 & 28 were also activated.  63-Chief was notified while responding of an accidental trip of the alarm with proper ID.  All units were cancelled prior to responding by 63-Chief.
Submitted by: 63-Chief
May 23, 2010:  Pager activated for a Chief officer to call Cambria dispatch.  Information was recieved of a farm animal wandering on Executive Drive, one mile south of Clearfield county line.  63-Chief arrived on scene to find the animal tied to a tree alongside the road.  Ownership of the animal was ascertained, owner was notified and came to the scene, safely leading the animal home.
Submitted by: 63-Chief
May 22, 2010: Activated for a Working Structure Fire-2682 Skyline Drive-Glasgow.  Responding were Engine 63-1 with 2 (63-Assistant), Engine 63-3 with 3 (63-Lt.) and Amb 63-1.  Responding direct were 63-Chief, 63-Deputy Chief, and a senior firefighter.  Apparatus from Ashville, Coalport, Irvona, Ramey, Houtzdale and Bellwood also responded.  Upon arrival on scene, 63-Chief found a uninhabited house in the process of being torn down fully engulfed.  It was determined that the property owner was burning debris when it spread to the structure.  Due to the severity of the fire, the condition of the structure before the fire and knowing how it ignited, it was determined that an exterior attack only should be employed, allowing the structure to burn down instead of risky injury to any personnel and assuring that surrounding property was safe.  When the fire had basically burned itself out, all units were released by 63-Chief with no additional damage nor injuries.
Submitted by: 63-Chief
May 14, 2010:  Activated for a Working Structure Fire-147 Eugene Road-White Township-Clearfield Fire District 28. Clearfield Station 28 was activated alone twenty five minutes prior for a smoke investigation which escalated into a working trailer fire. All Station 63 units held in station per 28-Chief. Engine 63-1 remained in station with a crew on standby for forty five minutes before being released per 28-Chief. Station 63 was then placed back in service per 63-Asst..
Submitted by : 63-Deputy
May 13, 2010: Activated for a tree down blocking one lane of traffic on Glendale Valley Blvd. between Frugality and the Dean Township line. Brush 63-4 responded with one (63-Asst.) along with 63-Deputy and 63-Captain direct. Alarm held to Brush 63-4 only per 63-Deputy. 63-Deputy found one tree just inside Dean Township that had been removed prior to any units on scene, all units placed in service and returned to dispatch. Scene cleared by 63-Deputy.
Submitted by : 63-Deputy
May 10, 2010: Activated for a nonemergency fire standby at Clearfield Station 24 (Ramey).  Engine 63-1 responded with 3 (63-Captain) along with 63-Chief direct while a short crew (63-Asst.) remained at station with Engine 63-3.  Upon arrival at Station 24, Engine 63-1 was requested to the fire scene Clearfield County fire district 23 (Houtzdale) in Brisbin for manpower.  At scene, 63 crew assisted in manual overhaul until integrity of the structure became too dangerous.  Crews were pulled from structure and the 63 crew returned to Station 24 until being released by Deputy-24.  Engine 63-1 and crew returned safely.
Submitted by: 63-Chief
April 27, 2010: Activated for a tree across the roadway, SR 53 between Dean Twp. line and Frugality.  No crew from Station 63 was available so Clearfield Station 28 responded only to find nothing.  Incident cleared.
Submitted by: 63-Chief
April 25, 2010: Activated for a working structure fire in the 1700 Block of Roseland Road. Engine 63-1 responded with four (63-Rescue Chief, 63-Captain), Engine 63-3 responded with two (63-Lt.) along with 63-Chief and 63-Deputy direct. Cambria units activated were Station 63, Station 60, Station 62, Ambul 63-1, Ambul 75-4, Cambria County SHARP Team. Clearfield County units activated were Station 23, Station 27, Station 28. Blair Station 22 was activated for RIC assignment.  Upon arriving on scene 63-Chief reported that the structure involved was a vacant mobile home being torn down by the owner who accidently caught it on fire while burning trash. The structure was fully engulfed and already on the ground and was not endangering any other structures in the area. All units with the exception of Station 63 were cancelled, all 63 units were to proceed in reduced. Firefighters remained on scene for about 45 minutes to ensure there was no danger while all units were avaliable on scene. Scene cleared by 63-Chief.
Submitted by: 63-Deputy
April 24, 2010: Activated for a vehicle accident between Van Ormer and Fallentimber. Engine 63-1 responded with three (63-Asst, 63-Rescue Chief) , Engine 63-2 responded with one (63-Captain) along with 63-Chief and 63-Deputy direct. 63-Chief found nothing between Flinton and Van Ormer while 63-Deputy checked between Van Ormer and Frugality, Cambria 911 advised the caller stated she was in the area of Jacobs Oil. 63-Deputy found the accident on Wopsy Road, Dean Township, Fire District 60. Station 60 was activated and given an update by 63-Deputy, upon arriving on scene all 63 units were released by 60-Chief. Station 63 units were placed in service per 63-Chief. 
Submitted by 63-Deputy
April 23, 2010: Activated for a vehicle accident with injuries-Glendale Valley Blvd at Sugar St.  Engine 63-1 (63-Rescue Chief) responded short along with 63-Chief, 63-Deputy and 63-Captain direct. Personnel on scene found 2 vehicles, one off the roadway, one blocking both lanes of travel, and patients with minor injuries.  Also responding were Amb. 63-1, Amb. 67-1, Engine 63-2 and Reade Twp. Fire Police.  No patients were transported.  63-Rescue Chief was given command.  PSP-Ebensburg investigated and the scene cleared by 63-Rescue Chief.
Submitted by: 63-Chief
April 22, 2010: Activated for a tree down across the roadway on SR 53 in the Van Ormer area.  Call came to Cambria 911 via Punxsy PSP with no other information available.  Brush 63-4 responded short (63-Asst.) with 63-Chief, 63-Captain and 63-Lt. direct.  Rt. 53 was travelled from Dean Twp. line to Clearfield County line with nothing found.  All units and personnel were placed back in service by 63-Chief.
Submitted by: 63-Chief
April 20, 2010: Activated for a small brush fire in the area of Elm St. and Reade St., Caller was to be at our station to provide a better location. Actual location was near the 200 Block of Skyline Dr.. Engine 63-1 responded with two (63-Asst., 63-Rescue Chief), Brush 63-4 responded with two (63-Captain) along with 63-Deputy direct. Engine 63-1 found a small pile of rubbish and a mattress that was burnt along the roadside, firefighters placed a small amount of water on the pile to ensure there were no hot spots remaining. Scene cleared by 63-Deputy.
Submitted bt: 63-Deputy
April 15, 2010: Activated for traffic control for a disabled vehicle, 2280 Glendale Valley Blvd. Engine 63-2 responded with two (63-Captain). Clearfield EMT Belin advised there was a vehicle half onto the roadway when he came through the area. After a complete check of the area no vehicle was found, all units placed in service by 63-Captain.
Submitted by: 63-Deputy
April 13, 2010: Activated for a special call for Brush 63-4, 1559 Viola Pike-Gulich Township-Assisting Clearfield Station 24. Brush 63-4 responded with two (63Asst.) along with 63-Deputy direct. Station 63 units were cancelled enroute per Engine 28 on scene. All units placed in service per 63-Deputy.
Submitted by: 63-Deputy
April 12, 2010: Activated for a smoke investigation, 600 Block Glendale Valley Blvd.. Engine 63-2 and Brush 63-4 were both manned at the station per request of 63-Chief. 63-Chief and 63-Deputy direct, 63-Asst. and 63-Captain at station. Cambria advised the caller saw smoke coming from the area of the previous Forest Fire, 63-Chief investigated from the Blandburg side of the mountain while 63-Deputy investigated from the Frugality side. After no indication of any smoke nor fire being found all units were released and placed into service per 63-Chief.
Submitted by: 63-Deputy
April 11, 2010: Activated for a special call for Brush 63-4, Dawson Road, Dean Township. Brush 63-4 responded with one (63-Asst.) with 63-Deputy direct. Brush 63-4 assisted Station 60 Firefighters at the scene under the command of 60-Deputy. After all hot spots were eliminated the crew from Station 63 was released by 60-Deputy and returned to service.
Submitted by: 63-Deputy
April 11, 2010: Activated for a non emergency lift assist at the request of Ambul 63-1, 173 Lidwell Road. 63-Deputy and 63-Asst. responded direct, 63-Rescue Chief was on scene prior to our activation. Assisted EMS with loading the patient, scene cleared by 63-Deputy.
Submitted by: 63-Deputy
April 10, 2010: Activated for a tree down, 2177 Glendale Valley Blvd.. Engine 63-2 responded with two (63-Lt..), Brush 63-4 responded with two (63-Asst.) along with 63-Chief and 63-Deputy direct. Prior to units on scene, one large tree that was blocking both lanes had been removed. All units were cancelled and placed in service and the scene cleared per 63-Deputy.
Submitted by: 63-Deputy
April 8, 2010:  Activated along with Station 62 and Clearfield Co. 28 to stage at St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church, Frugality and await a briefing from Dept. of Forestry FT-16 in an attempt to fight a brush fire at the scene of the previous fire.  Forestry personnel had spent the day backfiring and extinguishing several areas on that fire when the wind picked up and quickly engulfed many more acres.  Fire company crews were to assist Forestry in containing this fire.  Additional fire companies (Irvona and Pinecroft) were called in.  Command was transferred from 63-Chief to 63-Asst. Chief.  Shortly after crews began their task, much needed rains arrived and extinguished the flames.  All fire company units returned to their stations and the scene was cleared by 63-Asst. Chief.
Submitted by: 63-Chief
April 7, 2010: Every Reade Volunteer Fire Co. firefighters' nightmare was that the top of Blandburg Mountain would burn.  Yesterday at approximately 5:00 pm we were dispatched along with Clfd 28 (Coalport) for a brush fire in the Fiske area.  No fire was found in that area but large columns of smoke could be seen over a large area of the mountain between Rts. 53 (Frugality) and 865 (Blandburg).  Cambria County activated the cameras on the communications towers and reported possibly 5 seperate fires over a large area.  Cutting locks on gates, access was gained via Blandburg by Reade and Frugality by Glendale.  A PSP-Hollidaysburg helicopter was able to lead units to the fire, approximately 5 miles off the main road from either direction.  By the time the fires were reached they had burned into 2 large fires, some with 20'-30' flames.  One fire was approximately 2 miles wide while the second was at least 160 acres.  Crews from three counties (Cambria, Clearfield and Blair) were able to contain the fires but not extinguish them.  The forestry department demanded that all volunteer fire units leave the mountain and by 10:00 pm all units had left the scene.  Two distinct red glows could be seen on the mountain in the darkness.  Forestry had a bulldozer and brought in two crews from Blair and Cambria/Indiana counties and planned on staying all night with plans to call volunteers back in the daylight.  Brush truck crews fought the blazes while brush tankers shuttled water from the Engines that were staged on better dirt roads.  An air tanker from Black Moshannon made several water drops.  Due to the extreme numbers of manpower (approx. 200) and two different fires, two accountability officers (63-Asst. Chief Jenkins and Blair 22 Warden Whiteford) were in charge of keeping track of companies, units and manpower.  Very happy to note that all personnel left the mountain unharmed.  Special thanks to EP Bender Coal for use of two bulldozers, RH Dotts for arriving with a personal dozer, Getta's Store in Glasgow for donating sandwiches and drinks and the Reade Ladies Aux. for delivering them to the scene and the hall. 
     While manpower and units on scene are still being accounted, Fire Companies and resources utilized are:
Cambria County: Reade (63), Ashville (60), Patton (62), Cresson (70), Nicktown (59), Conemaugh (11), Cambria County Command Unit (11-1) w/911 director Brian Feist; Clearfield County: Glendale (28), Irvona (27), Glen Hope (26), Ramey (24), Houtzdale (23), Osceola (22), Westover (45); Blair County: Tipton (21), Bellwood (22), Pinecroft (23), United (12), Newburg (18).  Reade Area Ambulance was on scene as were members of the Reade Twp. Fire Police.  Numerous companies provided standbys at various fire halls.  A great job by all companies.  Also, the Cambria 911 center did an excellent job communicating with the numerous requests while still having to take all the "normal/rountine" calls that came into the center.  A personal "Thank You" from 63-Chief McQuown.  As I met up with Forestry Department Foxtrot-16 Jim Bloom and set up a command post between the two fires, I had every confidence in the first two fire crews on scene, Reade on Fire #1 and Glendale on Fire #2.  The line officers and fire crews took charge of the fires and did a GREAT job while awaiting further manpower.  Coordination, effort and outcome like we had at this fire would make any Chief proud.  This, Ladies and Gentlemen, is what we are about.....working together and getting the job done safely.  Again, thanks to ALL crews.
Submitted by: 63-Chief
April 6, 2010: Reported MVA. Engine 63-1 responded with two (63-Asst., 63-Rescue Chief) with 63-Chief, 63-Deputy and 63-Captain direct. Station 63 was alerted by phone for an injured person as the result of a motorcycle accident, several firefighters who were on standby at the station responded. Upon arrival of EMS and Fire units it was found that the accident occured several hours prior in Clearfield County. Engine 63-1 was cancelled per 63-Chief. Firefighters on scene assisted EMS with loading the patient, scene cleared by 63-Chief.
Submitted by: 63-Deputy
April 6, 2010: Activated for a structure fire. Engine 63-1 responded with three (63-Asst., 63-Rescue Chief, 63 Captain) along with 63-Chief, 63-Deputy and 63 Captain-2 direct. Ambul 63-1, Station 60, Station 62, Clearfield Station 27 and Clearfield Station 28 were also activated. Upon arrival of 63-Chief and 63-Deputy fire was confirmed to be a working fire involving a small building endangering a nearby camper and residence. Knock down of the fire was obtained within minutes upon arrival of Engine 63-1, Station 27 and 28 crews assisted in fire supression and clean up of the scene. Station 62 was cancelled, Engine 63-3 was held in station while Station 60 staged at Market St. and Glendale Valley Blvd. to provide standby for Station 63. Just prior to scene being cleared firefighters and EMS were alerted to a reported MVA in the 1000 block of Skyline Dr. Scene cleared by 63-Chief
Submitted by: 63-Deputy
April 1, 2010: Activated for a major fuel spill. Engine 63-1 responded with three (63-Rescue Chief, 63-Capt, 63-Lt.), Brush 63-4 with two along with 63-Chief, 63-Deputy, Reade Township Asst. EMA direct and Ambul 63-1 on standby in station, Station 60, Clearfield Station 27 and Clearfield Station 28 were also activated. Upon arrival it was found that one home heating oil tank had fell onto it's side and was leaking fuel, FF's were able to reclaim the majority of oil into buckets and then place the tank upright. No response from Cambria HazMat units were required due to the spill being contained to less than 50 gallons. All units were cleared from the scene within the hour by 63-Chief.
Submitted by: 63-Deputy
March 27, 2010: Activated for a MVA wtih injury. Engine 63-1 responded with three (63-Asst., 63-Captain, 63-Rescue Chief) Engine 63-3 responded with two (63-Lt.) along with 63-Deputy, 63-Captain2, 63-FP Captain direct. Two vehicles involved with two injuries on scene. Traffic control was established by Fire Police units intil Ebensburg PSP arrived on scene and investigated. Both vehicles and all debris and fluids removed from the roadway. Scene cleared by 63-Asst.
Submittied by: 63-Deputy
March 21, 2010: Activated for a Bravo response, MVA w/injury.  Engine 63-1 responded with 3 (63-Asst., 63-Rescue Chief and a senior firefighter) along with 63-Chief and 63-Deputy direct and Ambulance 63-1.  63-Chief on scene found two vehicles (1 on roadway, on off) with 2 minor injuries. Fire pagers were reactivated for FP to scene. Patients were evaluated by ambulance crew with none transported.  PSP-Ebensburg investigated.  Vehicles removed and scene cleared by 63-Chief. 
Submitted by: 63-Chief
March 13, 2010: Near interscetion of Glendale Valley Blvd. and Roseland Road. While on scene of previous call crews were made aware of rising water at this location, 63-Deputy provided traffic control until Engine 63-2 could be moved to this location from the first incident. Upon release from PennDot all units were released and scene cleared by 63-Deputy.
Submitted by: 63-Deputy
March 13, 2010: Activated for a flooded roadway-2800 Block of Glendale Valley Blvd.-Flinton. Engine 63-2 responded with two along with 63-Deputy, 63-Captain, 63-Lt. and 63-Fire Police direct. Crews remained on scene to provide traffic control until the arrival of PennDot. While on scene of this incident they were made aware of rising water near Bakers Service Station. Engine 63-2 was moved to the second scene. Units released and scene cleared after PennDot assumed control of the roadway by 63-Deputy.
Submitted by 63-Deputy
March 13, 2010: Activated for a tree down, 2200 Block Executive Drive, North Hill. Engine 63-2 responded with two (63-Asst., 63-Captain) along with 63-Deputy and 63-Lt. direct. Firefighters removed one tree blocking one lane of traffic from the roadway. Scene cleared by 63-Deputy.
Submitted by: 63-Deputy
March 10, 2010: 63-Chief notified for a patient lift assist.  On scene, 63-Chief requested additional personnel to assist.  63-Asst., 63-Captain, 63-Lt. along with numerous additional personnel responded direct, lifting the patient.  Scene cleared by 63-Chief.
Submitted by: 63-Chief
March 6, 2010: Activated for an emergency lift assist to Ambulance 63-1 on scene.  63-Asst. & 63-Captain, along with several other personnel, responded direct, helping load patient into ambulance.  Scene cleared by Ambulance 63-1 and 63-Asst.
Submitted by: 63-Chief
March 6, 2010: Clearfield County activated Station #24, Station #23 for an automatic fire alarm, 100 Plank Road, Fire District #24. Engine 63-1 was also due on the box. Clearfield County advised Deputy-24 that they received a second call from the alarm company reporting an accidental alarm. Deputy-24 placed all units in service prior to Cambria dispatching Station #63.
Submitted by : 63-Deputy
February 28, 2010: Activated for traffic control as the result of an MVA with no injuries, 700 Block of Gill Hollow Rd. Engine 63-2 responded with two (63-Asst.) along with 63 Captain direct. Upon arrival on scene 63-Asst. advised Cambria that the vehicle was off the roadway and there was no one around around the vehicle. After Cambria contacted Ebensburg PSP all 63 units returned to service and the scene was cleared by 63-Asst.
Submitted by: 63-Deputy
February 15, 2010:  Activated for a Bravo response MVA with injuries.  Engine 63-1 responded with 5 (63-Chief, 63-Rescue Chief, 63-Asst Chief, 63-Captain) along 63-Deputy Chief direct, Ambulance 63-1, Medic 67-1 and 63 FP.  Enroute were informed of a mini-van into a tractor-trailer with 4 injuries.  Added Medic 75-4 to the call along with Medic 75-1.  On scene found a van with entrapment and upgraded call to such. An EMT from Station 60 and one from Clearfield Station 28 were on scene.  The accident was over a 1/2 mile stretch of highway so Engine 60-2 was requested to handle traffic at the south end of the scene.  Upon extrication of patients from the van, it was found that there were 3 minor injuries.  Patients transported to the hospital, PSP-Ebensburg investigated, scene cleared and all units placed in service by 63-Chief.
Submitted by: 63-Chief
February 14, 2010: Activated for low hanging wires and a sheared telephone pole, Intersection of Roseland Road and Market Street. Engine 63-2 responded with two ( 63-Asst. & 63-Capt. ) along with 63-Deputy direct and one Sr Firefighter on scene who reported the call. 63-Deputy found one pole completly sheared as the result of an MVA but no vehicle was on scene. The pole and wires were not electric wires which allowed firefighters to tie a rope from the top of the pole to a nearby tree to remove the wires from the roadway and to gain clearance for larger vehicles which may be traveling the roadway. Cambria 911 was notified that the roadway was clear for vehicles and all 63 units were cleared from the scene by 63-Deputy. Comcast was also contacted and advised that the entire pole will need to be replaced.
Submitted by : 63-Deputy
January 27, 2010: Activated at the request of Ambul 63-1 for a non emergency lift assist, 100 Block Rodeo Dr.. Engine 63-2 responded with one ( 63-Captain ) along with 63-Deputy, 63-Rescue Chief and two Sr. Firefighters direct. Firefighters assisted EMS with patient extrication, all units cleared from scene and placed avaliable per 63-Deputy.
Submitted by: 63-Deputy
January 26, 2010: Activated for traffic contol (called in by Twp. road crew) as the result of a MVA, 900 block Gill Hollow Rd.  Engine 63-2 responded with two (63-Rescue Chief, 63-Captain) and 63-Chief direct.  63-Chief on scene found a pickup truck into a tree w/air bags deployed and signs of injury.  No one was around the vehicle.  PSP-Ebensburg investigated as driver returned to scene.  Patient had only minor injury.  Vehicle was removed and scene cleared by 63-Chief.
Submitted by: 63-Chief
January 25, 2010:  Activated for a flooded roadway, 118 Sunset Dr., Glasgow at the trailer court.  Clearfield Station 28 was alerted but was cancelled prior to activation.  Engine 63-1 responded with two (63-Chief, 63-Rescue Chief), Engine 63-2 responded with one (63-Asst. Chief) along with 63-Captain-2 direct and 63 Captain on Amb. 63-1.  Several senior firefighters were on scene being residents of the court.  Found a drainage pipe to be clogged with debris.  Owner will take care of once water recedes.  Scene cleared by 63-Chief.
Submitted by: 63-Chief
January 21, 2010 : Activated for a vehicle accident with injuries, 700 Block Gill Hollow Rd. Engine 63-1 responded with six. 63-Chief and 63-Deputy responded direct.  Ambul 63-1, Blair 450, Clearfield Station 28 and Clearfield Station 27 were also activated. Upon arrival of 63-Chief all Clearfield and Blair units were cancelled due to there was no one around the vehicle. Cambria 911 contacted Ebensburg PSP who released Station 63 from the scene since the vehicle was off the roadway. The vehicle was marked with caution tape tp prevent the accident from being reported for a second time.
Submitted by : 63-Deputy 
January 16, 2010 : Activated for a vehicle accident with injuries, 800 Block of Roseland Rd. Engine 63-1 responded short (63-Asst.), Engine 63-2 responded with two (63-Capt.), 63-Chief, 63-Deputy, 63-Rescue Chief, 63, Captain 2 and one Sr. FF direct. Ambul 63-1 and Medic 67-1 were also activated. 63-Chief upgraded the call to vehicle accident with entrapment and requested responding units to expedite upon arriving on scene. Due to the upgraded status Station 63 was reactivated along with Clearfield Station 28 being activated. Upon arrival of Engine 63-2, 63-Deputy and 63-Captain used the jaws of life to perform extrication of one entrapped patient. Cambria 911 was notified to place a helicopter in the air but this request was unable to be carried out due to all helicopters being grounded due to weather. Station 63 FF's along with Station 28 FF's assisted with patient extrication. Patient was transported by ground while FF's assisted PSP on scene. The vehicle and debris were removed and the scene cleared by 63-Chief.
Submitted by : 63-Deputy
January 11, 2010 : 63-Asst. was notified of an MVA in the area of Skyline Dr. and Dump Rd.. Upon arrival 63-Asst. notified Cambria 911 of one vehicle off the roadway and that the driver had fled the scene. With the arrival of Ebensburg PSP 63-Deputy and 63-Asst. cleared the scene with no further activation of Station 63 required.
Submitted by : 63-Deputy